Thursday, June 09, 2005


It has been a month since my last post. I am now in China. It is ok. Not much has changed since the last time I was here except that I feel less of a sense of adventure and I am picking up more on the real quality of life deficiencies. For instance, traffic here is lethal. Seriously lethal. It takes forever to do anything because everything is so far away from everything else. Buying things is always a struggle when you have to bargain. It is such a huge effort to get the right price, even when you know it to begin with. My efforts to buy a high quality fake Patek Phillipe were for naught as seller after seller would not go below RMB200... I eventually gave up.

I am getting along well with Rae. This is somewhat surprising since we are spending all of our time together. She is getting more worried and discouraged about not finding a job yet. I think she is over reacting because she has not been looking for a job for very long. She has an interview tomorrow... I hope she gets it.

Since I have been here, I have not been working very much. Until now, I have only had one regular class. This has been with a manager at the China Development Bank. She is very nice, but her English is not very good. I try to help her, but our three hours together pretty much turn into a conversation with me listening to whatever she has to say. For now, I am just happy to be making RMB130/hour and developing my first guanxi connection.

On saturday I will be going to Henan provice on some sort of a business trip. I will be helping to set up a new location for my school, Modern English. It is cool because I will be making RMB4000 plus expenses for a week in which I would have otherwise only made about RMB1000 . It is also cool because I get to see a new part of the country without haveing to take time off work to travel. I don't really know what they have there... I assume it is pretty backwards but I hope it is not. Either way, I am sure I will have a good time because Rae will be going with me and because I will be on TV.

Well... I'll try to give a better post next time,



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