Saturday, April 30, 2005

I can't believe what I just read. Professor Newman gave me a terrible letter of reference. Terrible. I am absolutely shocked. It does, however, explain why I was rejected by schools which I thought should have accepted me. My two other references were good. One of which was superlative. I am in shock. That fucking bastard ruined my chances of getting into a good grad school. Son of a fucking bitch. I can't imagine why he would do such a thing to me. Now I will have to apply again next year, without him as a reference. Terrible.

Anyway, to give some background. First, I went to the Taiwanese club night. It was good times, dancing with Rae. I felt like we were the only two people there. Just looking at her looking at me. Very sexy.

The next day, went to a barbeque at Lucky's place. It was good times, Rae enjoyed herself. I talked to the Germans and Amy. Basically a standard good times party at that house, just like the many others I have been to.

On thursday, Gabe, Rae and myself went to the Chinese consulate to pick up visas. Unfortunately Rae was unable to get one there as she is Taiwanese. The mainlanders don't like to recognise the Republic of China passport as a passport. I was quite worried about that, but Rae seems to have arranged something involving sending her documents to Taiwan that should work out fine.

After the passport affair, we went to another barbeque. This time it was at Shaharazad's place. It was on the roof, which was a great place for it, but the crowd was not right. There were two groups: one big goup of foreign Master's students, and a smaller group of Scott, Leo, Rae and myslef, with the 70 year old French Canadian woman thrown in for good measure. Later in the afternoon Newman showed up. He was talking most of the time to the Master's students, but eventually I got to talk to him. I said I was dissapointed with my graduate school placement. He got defencive. I left to avoid making a scene. It pissed me off that people who are not as smart or talented as me are going to better schools than me, and that it was likely Newman who was standing in the way. When I got home I was still very upset. I drafted a letter to send to Newman, but Rae's cooler head prevailed and I saved it as a draft to come back to later.

That night, we went out for dinner with Gloria. It was nice. We went to the Ukrainian place on Denman, but were sat at a bad table. Gloria was interested in anything I had to know about the Vancovuer real estate market. I told her some good places to buy, but also that I did not know if now was a good time to get into real estate. I don't think I cleared anything up in her mind. Then we went to another club night. This time it was the CVC's fashion show. The gossip of the evening was that Rae's friend Claire was breaking up with her boyfriend John. To do this, she did the very unclassy move of leaving the club early with her friend and without John. John lost face, Rae and I felt awkward.

Last night, I hung out with Tristan and Milan at the beach. It started with Tristan and myself drinking beer on a log at English Bay, then Milan came to join. I like the beach, especially at that time of day when the sun is not opressive. Eventually it got too cold and we made our way up to Greg's apartment where we had some more beer and good conversation.

Today, I wrote Newman the email about his letter. He told me that I should not have written him, but included his reference as an attachment anyway. His reference was the kiss of death for any top tier plans. I guess I should have known better than to ask him to write for me. I guess he was just the most approachable guy, even though he was not the best guy to write. I hate these asymetrical power relationships. Why does he get to screw me over for fun? Why does he have such a low opinion of me? Fucking asshole is too insecure in himself... gets all of his validation from his students because his peers don't like him. Fuck him, he can go to hell.



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