Sunday, April 03, 2005

Friday night was very busy. After my math class I ran into Milan in Buchanin. I went with him to the international relations journal launch. I felt somewhat out of place at this journal launch, especially because I was helping myself to the impressive assortment of food they had provided without having any connection to either the faculty or the journal. No one seemed to notice or mind but I left anyway after eating my fill.

At the launch, I saw my friend Zach who I have not seen in some time. He is planning on going back to Israel this summer to work. This is something I find very admirable about him and the whole Hillel crowd in general, however it is something that sets me apart from them. While I am very happy that there is a state of Israel and I do support its continued existence, I am more interested in and drawn to the Orient.

From the journal launch, I went to a party for the exec of the Economics Students Association. I am not a member of the exec, but I was on a storm the wall team with the president and three other members so I was invited and felt somewhat obligated to come. There, I quickly got drunk and had the pleasure of spending an evening talking with new people who I am unlikely to see again. At around 9 the party packed up to go to the Blarney Stone. As I do not like this bar at all, I went to the Poli Sci beer garden to meet up with Milan, Tristain and Ashley. When I arrived at the PSSA beer garden, Ashley and some debaters were on their way out, but I decided to stay. I spent most of my time talking with Chris Yung, a person I wish I had gotten to know more back when he was also in debate. It found out that he is also going to China this summer so I invited him to stay with us when he is in Beijing. I hope he takes me up on that offer because it is always nice to have friends visit when living in foreign lands.

After leaving the PSSA garden, I went to Koerners to find Ashley and Milan. Milan had already left so I just found Ashley who was haning out with Tim and Spencer. I followed them to the entrance of the pit where I realized that I do not like the pit. At this point I left to go home. On my way home Gabe called me and came by to pick me up in a taxi. We ended up having some scotch at the Jupiter lounge downtown and then going to Gabe's friends house to hang out until the early hours.

I started my term paper yesterday. Writing econ papers is not very hard. As far as I can tell so far there are two parts which require a lot of effort. The first is the empirical or theoretical work. This involves learning how to use STATA or another statistical program, finding a good data set, loading the data, defining the variables, and finally figuring out which regressions to do. The other difficult part is the literature review. I imagine this part is very similar in any dicipline so I will not describe it. For the rest of the paper, all that needs to be done is reporting your empirical results in relation to the existing body of literature. That said, I still have much work to do on my paper.

Daylight saving time started today. I wish I had remembered that when I woke up because my Chinese class had an informal lunch at 12:30 to which I arrived an hour late. Thankfully I was not the only one who forgot and there was still plenty of food left for me. The lunch was quite good, we ate Beijing Duck and a few other standard Chinese food dishes. While I was eating I realised that while I did not really know anyone in that class, everyone else seemed to know eachother much more than I thought. It turned out that most of them were in the Chinese Varsity Club and were quite friendly to eachother. Towards the end of the lunch, the topic turned to China. Someone asked me about my experiences teaching English there and after giving my standard spiel, I could tell that many people in the class were very interested in doing the same thing.


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