Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The party...

It was ok. Objectively speaking, it was quite good. Many people showed up and had a good time, there was mixing. People were impressed with the apartment and the preparations that my roommate, my girlfriend, and I had done. People enjoyed the food, wine, and liquor provided. I guess this was the point of the party.

However, the party left me with a feeling of failure. Despite my best efforts of making the party environment as pleasant as possible, many of the peope who I invited, and wanted very much to see, did not show up. No one from econ, save Scott came. Noah was out of town. Tristan was otherwise occupied. Carolynn did not come. Of the people that were there, some were good friends. Milan, Gabe, Scott, Dima, Greg, and of course Rae. The remainder were either Ashley's friends, not as close friends, or friends of friends. Of course, it is always nice to meet new people. I did enjoy meeting many of these people, but to be clear, I did not go through all of this effort and spend so much money just to give a good time to people on the outer periphery of my and my roommate's life.

This party left me with some very important lessons learned. The first is that a party is nothing without the company. No matter how well designed the space is, no matter how good the food or drinks provided are, it is the people who make the party. To forget this is to invite dissapointment. The second thing I realised, is that people generally don't care about the quality of refreshments available at a party. Whether $300 or $60 is spent on food and drink, people will not take much notice, especially if they have never thrown a party themselves. Finally, I learned that there is no point in having a big party simply for the sake of having a big party. I do not need to feed and give drinks to people I don't know, neither do I need to impress them. When friends of friends are asking to bring their friends, I should say no. When people bring nothting to the party besides their thirst and appetite, they should not be encouraged to take advantage of my hospitality. Perhaps I will have the chance to apply these lessons learned at a future party.

To end on a positive note, I will focus on the things that went well about the party. The satays were a hit. All that effort did not go in for nothing. Even though I did not have any, I could see that they were widely enjoyed, and that makes me happy. The wine bar was a big hit. Ashley's idea of a seperate space with many different wines available for drinking was a very good one. I spent quite a bit of time in her room drinking good wine. The party went until 4am. This was fun because as there were fewer people in my house and my hosting duties diminished, I was able to have conversations with more people. This ended the party on a long positive note. Many friends did come, and I got to enjoy their company. This is always the main objective of any party and this objective was met. Finally, there was nothing broken or stolen. My sister objects strongly to hosting parties. I suspect that this is because the parties she goes to are fraught with these types of problems. Thus, I am happy that the parties I throw are always so clean and safe, if only just to prove her wrong.


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