Saturday, April 16, 2005

I finished my Honours thesis a few hours ago. It is a big relief. While I am still wondering if there are things that I could have made better, I think overall it is a good piece of work and I am certainly pround of it and ready to defend it in two weeks time.

Now, all that is left between me and graduation, apart from the defence mentioned above, is the math exam on tuesday. I look forward to being done. Even though I don't know what I will do for the month between exams and leaving for China, at least I have the apartment to myself and nowhere to be in the mornings... perhaps I will start drinking more...

Vincent called me today. I haven't spoken to him in several months, although I sent him an email last night that he didn't seem to have recieved. He has just recieved the news that he has been accepted into Columbia university in NY. I am very happy for him, and I am excited that I will get to see him the next time I go, even though that may well be a year away.

It seems that more and more of my friends are ending up in New York. Although none of them know eachother, three of my best friends from different places I have lived and different times in my life Jesse Mandel from camp Kadima in Nova Scotia, Roger Hsieh from Vancouver, and Vincent Deluard from my exchange year in Singapore and the summer in China afterwards have all managed to end up in the city that I too hope to move back to someday. At this point in my life, I don't know what I could do that would bring me back there, I just know that it has to be something good for me to be able to affort the outrageous Manhattan rents. Vincent's news also gives me renewed desire to visit New York at least one more time before my parents give up the apartment and move back to Vancouver...

China, although a country and not a city, is also turning into a gathering point for my friends. Apart from the few that I have personally convinced to go with me, I will know at least a half dozen people in one part or another of China this summer and fall. I hope that I am able to see them and that we can have fun there like I did last summer with Vincent.

I am looking forward to Milan's barbeque and Gord's birthday party tomorrow. A very busy day for me, especially in the middle of exams, but with only one exam left, I think I can take the the time off. These social events will be a good place for me to float the idea of a post-exam party of my own. Although I have not planned one yet, Ashley is very excited about the idea of throwing a party for both of us, and I am very happy to oblige.

On a final note, despite my dissapointment over graduate schools, I am still inclined to give a "teacher thank dinner" to professor Newman as I said I would. However, the above discussion has made me think that perhaps I should hold it at my trendy downtown penthouse. I wonder what good caterers cost?... takeout Chinese maybe?... Thai?... I should float the idea and see what the interest is.

It grows late, I should stop trying to avoid my sorely needed sleep,



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