Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I had my first day of work today. I can't say I was super inspired. The whole thing was really laid back. Also, my job seems to be largely data entry and data checking. I won't have much creative licence... but I guess that is ok because I will learn about the mortage industry and about underwriting specifically. It is also ok because I will have something that looks decent on a resume for the next time I go looking for a job. Maybe it also isn't that bad that the work culture is laid back, it means that I won't have any stress.

As for where to live, I have decided to move downtown, but at the middle of the month. I am going to live with some Mexican language students, which should be ok. As long as they don't party too much and keep the place tidy, I don't envision any problems.

It will be nice to live in that apartment again. I know it means going back to my parents house, but at the same time I will be much closer to work and it is a really good place to live. It also means that I can have friends over to my house. In this apartment, we have one sofa, which is used as a bed by my roommate. In the apartment downtown, there are five sofas... Even though I was initially reluctant to leave, downtown offers me more. I have more friends there, I know the area better, I enjoy walking more there, the view is better, I could go on.


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