Monday, February 27, 2006

Where will I live?

Until recently, I was pretty sure that I was going to live here, on Victoria drive in the appartment in which I am currently staying. However, my parents now seem somewhat keen on moving me back into the apartment downtown to keep an eye on the place as I rent out the other rooms. Right now, all of this is dependent on whether Tina rents the whole apartment to one Mexican family, or whether she only rents certain rooms.

I went to the apartment today after signing my concent forms for some background checks at the employment agency. It was looking really good. Everything was so clean, big and bright. Everything was so tastefully done. I couldn't help but think about moving back in. On the other hand, it is my parents apartment. I would just be living at home. Further, I would be the resident caretaker making sure that the other tenants do not do anything damaging to the place.

My current apartment here is ok too. It is nice and cozy and my roommate is really quite friendly. Commerial drive is also a fun neighbourhood to live in with lots of cool restaurants and cafes. However, this place gives me low level but persistant allergies and I hardly have any friends in or any affinity to the neighbourhood. Even though I feel less isolated here than I did at first, it is still a one hour walk from downtown, where I am going to live.

After writing it out, I think that on balance, I would rather live downtown. However, I still have to wait for Tina to find out whether the place is fully or partially rented. Also, since I will be deciding so suddenly, I will have to pay all or part of the rent here for the month of March.

I am excited to be starting my new job this week. Even though it doesn't pay particularly well, I will have about as much disposable income as I have ever had, which should be nice. I should also think about saving some money for graduate school and possibly some travels in the summer...

I have been somewhat lonely here. Without the context of the university I have not gotten out to see friends nearly as much as I would have liked to. The only person I have been seeing regularly since I have been back is Rae. I hope when start working things will get better.


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