Friday, February 24, 2006

Wow, what a day. I interviewed at a temp agency this morning and already this afternoon they have offered me a six month job working in a bank as a mortgage broker's assistant. Now I am in the position where I don't know whether I should take the sales job which offers skills and hard work, or the admin job which offers stability and exposure to the financial industry. Even in my most optimistic mood, I never would have believed that I would have two firm job offers in the space of one week. I guess Vancouver isn't as bad of a place to work as I thought.

All of the rational parts of my brain are telling me to take the administrative job. It is what I was expecting, it is stable and steady, it is for a six month term, it is downtown... But on the other hand, I have already agreed to take the job at the other place. I have also gotten my self excited about the prospect of really testing myself and seeing how much money I could make. I only have a short time to make the decision...

I guess the economy in BC really is hot right now if a guy without much job experience like me can just walk into multiple job offers in the course of one week. Greg says that it is largely because I am a recently graduated young white male who has taught abroad, and there is definately some truth to that.

Ok, I just got another job offer. A guy from Primerica saw my CV on Monster and gave me a call. He wants me to come out and talk to him about the opportunities available over there. I don't think I will follow it up, largely because it is out in Coquitlum, but it is cool to get a call.

And all of this doesn't count the email job offers I have recieved in the last two days. I really had no idea.

Happily surprised


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sales jobs are evil. Mortgages are a neccesary evil. Take the administrative job, I'd say. Sales jobs will drain your soul. Don't let them take the ghost out of the machine.

6:58 AM  

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