Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Going back to Vancouver soon.

I am still worried about what I am going to do there, but I worked it out and I have enough money to last me for a few weeks even if I don't find a job right away. On the other hand, I fear the boredom of being somewhere so familiar, but without the social context that supported me for so long.

East Van is also a big unknown for me. I guess it is as good a place as any to live but whenever I go there I feel somewhat isolated from the city. The lifestyle there is also not one that would call my own. I am not particularly interested in music or art, I am not into the "scene" and I am quite in favour of globalization. I hope that I am able to meet more people like Alex.

Work is the bigger issue. Even though the economy in Vancouver has been good lately, I doubt that I can find a job like the one I am currently doing. Vancouver's economy is largely high-tech based, and that is an area where I have no saleable skills. Vancouver lacks the large core of financial companies found in New York or even Toronto. I don't even know where to start looking for an entry level job in the financial industry.

It could be that these perceptions are based too much on my life in Vancouver as a student. Most of my friends didn't have jobs, and if they did, they were almost never career oriented ones. Maybe if I start meeting people who aren't students, I can get into those circles and find something entirely different. I guess I will just have to wait and see.


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