I have another interview with Goldman Sachs HK! I am pretty excited about that, even though I am still not 100% convinced that it is the best move for me right now. I will be going to Toronto in a few weeks to meet some people who will fly in for the occasion (there will be other people being interviewed, not just me) . In the meantime, I have three midterms, an undetermined number of assignments and other job applications. Things are speeding up fast.
Last weekend I went to Ottawa with my mother and sister. The drive up was good because I had a chance to have a good conversation with my mom and sister. I had to convince them that math is useful, and not just the root of all evil. Apart from that it was interesting to hear what my sister was up to and I was happy to hear that my mom had a good time in Paris (of course). When we arrived in Ottawa, we went over to Ashley's place. She lives on the top floor of a Sandy Hill mansion that has been divided up into apartments. It is really roomy and nice. After seeing the place, we went to an Etheopian restaurant for a beer and some of the fermented flat bread. After a few minutes, the topic switched to Ashley's job. A disagreement ensued over how the reembursment money was to be split and Ashley left in a huff. The next day and a half was spent, between family engagements and seeing family friends, trying to repair the damage. Apart from that, Ottawa was fun. I got to meet Kathrine for the first time in about 10 years. She is doing law here at Queens so when things get a bit quieter I'll try to hang out with her. In other news, Patrick is becoming very popular with the ladies. Only 12 years old and he already has girls hanging off of him. wow.
I came back to Kingston on monday night and went through the short week of school focusing mainly on the two assignments due tomorrow. I am now pretty much done with both of them except for writing up a good copy to hand in. Now I have to worry about the econometrics midterm on wednesday... oh boy...
On friday night I went out to a bar with some people from my program after spending the afternoon/evening studying in the office. After a few beers this guy walks in with a t-shir that says 白人看不懂 (literally: white man see not understand - which means: white people can't understand this). Of course, I could not let this stand so I approached the guy in Chinese and told him that I was white and that I could understand his shirt. He did not really know how to take it. I guess he never expected to be called on it. I just wish I asked him where he got the shirt because I want one like that. It would be very ironicly funny.
Last weekend I went to Ottawa with my mother and sister. The drive up was good because I had a chance to have a good conversation with my mom and sister. I had to convince them that math is useful, and not just the root of all evil. Apart from that it was interesting to hear what my sister was up to and I was happy to hear that my mom had a good time in Paris (of course). When we arrived in Ottawa, we went over to Ashley's place. She lives on the top floor of a Sandy Hill mansion that has been divided up into apartments. It is really roomy and nice. After seeing the place, we went to an Etheopian restaurant for a beer and some of the fermented flat bread. After a few minutes, the topic switched to Ashley's job. A disagreement ensued over how the reembursment money was to be split and Ashley left in a huff. The next day and a half was spent, between family engagements and seeing family friends, trying to repair the damage. Apart from that, Ottawa was fun. I got to meet Kathrine for the first time in about 10 years. She is doing law here at Queens so when things get a bit quieter I'll try to hang out with her. In other news, Patrick is becoming very popular with the ladies. Only 12 years old and he already has girls hanging off of him. wow.
I came back to Kingston on monday night and went through the short week of school focusing mainly on the two assignments due tomorrow. I am now pretty much done with both of them except for writing up a good copy to hand in. Now I have to worry about the econometrics midterm on wednesday... oh boy...
On friday night I went out to a bar with some people from my program after spending the afternoon/evening studying in the office. After a few beers this guy walks in with a t-shir that says 白人看不懂 (literally: white man see not understand - which means: white people can't understand this). Of course, I could not let this stand so I approached the guy in Chinese and told him that I was white and that I could understand his shirt. He did not really know how to take it. I guess he never expected to be called on it. I just wish I asked him where he got the shirt because I want one like that. It would be very ironicly funny.
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