Sunday, March 13, 2005

Wow, it has been far more than a year since I have written anything in here so I will just quickly go over what I have done. I stayed in Singapore for the rest of the year and did a lot of things that I should have talked about in here. After that I went up to China to teach English with my friend Vincent. It was a really great time. I learned more Chinese, got to live really well and traveled a bit. I came back to Vancouver at the end of July which is where I am now.
I am graduating from UBC this year with a BA in econ.

I have applied to several graduate schools for an MA, but so far I have only heard back from Carleton, a school that I don't really want to go to. In a lot of ways, I am really torn as to what to do next. I am still not sure if econ is really for me. I like the rational and empirical way that econ looks at the world, but I don't like how things are reduced to overly complex math. Sometimes mathematical modeling just doesn't do reality any justice at all. My other problem is that I don't want to go to a second or third-rate university to do my masters. I know that it will still be better than only haivng a BA, but I just don't think that it would be much fun. Gar, I am still very much undecided.

My other main option is going to China for a year. Basically, since my last post some 18 months ago, I have become progressively more interested in China. I have taken courses on Chinese philosophy, literature and the Chinese economy. In addition I have been studying Chinese for the last year and a half and I have become somewhat conversational (thanks in no small part to my girlfriend Rae). All of these things have just increased my interest in that country. The problem, however, is that if I go there, I am likely to spend my time teaching English as I did last summer. While this is very fun and quite well paid, I don't know if it can lead to anything more substantial. I don't want to come home after a year only to feel like it has been completely wasted.

On to more pressing issues, I have a math midterm tomorrow which I don't think I am ready for. It is actually my anxiety over this test that has lead me to revive my long dead blog. I got an 85 on the last midterm which I was very happy with, but because the class average was 77, the professor promised a harder midterm this time around. I have been having real problems getting and staying interested in this class. If it were not effectively required, I know that I wouldn't be taking it, but then I also know that there is no point in taking this class just to get a B. Over the last two weeks I have made the aquaintance of a guy in my class... the only person that I have talked to in this class all year. He is kinda friendly, but I don't get any vibe off of him that leads me to believe that he actually wants to study with me or anything like that. These large, anonymous, unfriendly classes are the worst.

So, now I will try to keep this blog updated regularly, and to make it more interesting than this post has been.



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