Wednesday, July 13, 2005

So, a new blog post. now I know that I have at least one reader so I will do it for his benefit as well as mine.

So, I am back from ping ding shan. the bus ride back was the worst experience I have had in China. First, we were not able to get a train ticket, so our boss got us a ticket on a "luxury" bus. it was terrible. The bus was a normal sized bus but instead of having 40 seats, it had more than 50. This meant that there was no leg room for anyone aside from those sitting in the front seat (me and Rae, Sean paid extra for that) . Also, there was no bus station. The bus went around on the shitty road picking up passengers. We did this for about 4 hours. At first, we had hope that we would get on the highway soon, but then, as the buss filled up and then went way over capacity, we lost all faith in the humanity of the bus driver and his helpers. Eventually, it got to the point where the whole isle was filled up with people and there were 11 people sitting on a bed thing that was the size of 4 or 6 seats. It was madness. On one side of me there were just so many people that I could not bear to watch. On the other side of me was Rae, who was very affected by this whole thing. The whole terrible ride took a total of 13 hours. We got back to Beijing exausted, but happy to be home.

When we got here we saw our new roommate, Paul. Paul is a cool guy who I have met a few times before through Gabe. He is an English major at UBC with one year left who is just here for the hell of it. We are getting along pretty well. I guess I will have to continue this later, becaue I have to go.



Blogger Milan said...

That definitely sounds like a hellish way to travel. Are the trains much better?

4:41 PM  

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