Sunday, September 18, 2005

Accidentally saved as draft, finally posted.

I know I haven't written in a while so I will just put up some copies of emails that I sent to my girlfriend and then give a real post later after I get the internet set up in my room.

So, I started classes today. The class was a little bit harder than I thought and the teacher went pretty fast, but I think that if I study it will be ok. The only problem is that I am probably going to have to study for two hours every day...

When I arrived in the class, because I was wearing cufflinks I immideately made a friend: an Italian guy who shares the same taste. He is a pretty intense guy, reminds me a lot of my friend Iacopo. Anyway, he speaks Chinese really well and his handwriting is absolutely beautiful.

My class is much more international than I had expected. There are two Italians (including the one described above), an American, a Cuban, five Indonesian Chinese, and some Koreans and Japanese, there is also a Bangladeshi Chinese guy who didn't show up today but is in the class.

Last night I moved all of my things into residence. It is not the hilton, or 阳光一百, but it will do.

I think about you a lot. Today, I looked at some of our pictures. I put the picture of you carrying me on your back when we are in KL as my desktop background, I think it is very cute.

The best thing that happened today is that we got the internet. So far it is just on my roommate's computer, but once we figure out how to work out the networking we will be able to have skype chats.
As for Noah, he finally called today. He is in Japan and liking it, but he doesn't really have any sort of plan at all. As he described it, he has $7000 and a passport. Really though, he is either going to take a language class in Japan or in China, but he missed his chance to do the fall semester at BCLU. Too bad for me I guess, but I will manage.


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