Saturday, June 02, 2007

Summer life is good.

My life has been quite good lately, just enjoying the kind of summer vacation I have not had in a while, and will probably not have again for a long time.

This week has been particularly disciplined. Ever since the internet got cut off two weeks ago, and with the cable long gone, I have been going to bed much earlier. Most days I am in bed by 12 or so and so I can get up around 8 or 9 most days. I then take a shower and maybe grab something to eat before going to school around 10. At school, I first go to the business building and pick up a free copy of the Financial Times and then go to Tim Horton's to drink a coffee and read the paper. I am usually there for an hour or more until I go to the office to check my emails and facebook and see what is going on with the other guys in my program. Then, after lunch (usually at the blue chip truck) I get about two hours of work done before playing frisbee or going to the gym. After that, I try to go to a barbecue somewhere or otherwise just go home eat and then read for a while before going to bed, early again.

I have been enjoying this life tremendously. Perhaps it is because I know I will start work in just three short weeks, but I know that these are good times and that they will not last forever. Just around the corner is the effective deadline for my MA paper which I must finish, or come close to finishing before leaving for Ottawa, and then, of course, my job which starts on the 25th...

After visiting Ottawa last week, I am looking forward to living there. Ottawa is a fun place in the summer. There are tons of patios everywhere, and most importantly, it is full of young professionals from around the country who are there to work for the government. When I was there last weekend with my mother, my sister and Ashley, Ashley took my sister and me out on the town and we had a great time. I was especially impressed with the liveliness of the market and Elgin street, not to mention the house parties and such. If every weekend I spend in Ottawa will be that fun, I am sure I will not miss Vancouver nearly as much as I had feared.

The instructions regarding my job finally came in last week. I am to show up at 8am on Monday the 25th of June and start a week of orientation. From the schedule, the orientation looks like a combination of crash course in public policy/government and schmooze fest. I await it eagerly. I am sure that the AETP participants from this year will be a good group of people and that I can make many friends among them.

Going forward, now I just need to work a bit harder to make sure that I can finish this paper on time... I have a great supervisor who is very knowledgeable and supportive and seems like he will be a good help. I guess now I just need some guidance on where to go next and on whether I have done enough with the data I have been working with. I hope I will get all of that next Tuesday when I see him again.

All for now...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When do you arrive?

10:21 AM  

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