Maybe I should do a better job of chorinicaling my life。。。
It is currently Passover. For the seder, I got myself invited to Josh's house. Josh is my classmate and his father, Dr Lewis, is a professor in the department, who I happended to TA for last semester. Dr Lewis lead the seder and it was all very similar to how we do it at home. One big difference I noticed was that once we started eating, the conversation mostly focused around sports. I tried to keep up, using my now dated baseball knowledge from when the Jays were winning, but I was clearly out of my depth. I guess I should pay more attention to sports, if only to be comfortable in a wider range of social situations. After the seder was over, we moved to the living room to watch the final game of the NCAA championship, which was pretty good.
On tuesday the derivatives professor invited the class out to the grad club for drinks. He is Chinese so I used the opportunity to try to impress him with my Chinese skills. Of course he was surprised but I don't know if it will make much difference in the end. Although I am happy to have been exposed to this stuff, knowing what I know now, I can't imagnine ever wanting to work as a "quant" in the financial industry. Talking with the prof was really fun. He is a smart guy, I would love to drink bai jiu with him some day.
Wednesday was the panel data presentation. I had prepared my slides on an open office clone of power point so when I tried to get them to work on the Microsoft real thing there were some problems. First, they did not work at all. Then I went back to the office to put the presentation on to a memory key, only to realise that the office computers do not read memory keys. Without other options, I emailed the presentation again and returned to the computer lab. This time, about half of the presentation worked, and after playing with it for a while, Casey got the whole thing to work. I think my presentation was somewhat weak on methodology, and maybe I could have included more slides on the lit review, but I was happy that I had some (preliminary) results to show.
Thursday was the last day of class and it was a big day. After macro, we all went to the grad club for drinks with profs. There, I got to talk to Casey, the panel data prof for a while about cartoons and other non-econ related stuff. After the grad club, I went to the debate closing of the house. Closing of the house is a whole event over several hours where the debate club elite honour eachother with the making of speeches and giving of awards. At times, it was moving, but at times I felt a bit bored. One thing it made me realise was that although I liked many of these people, because I did not go to any tournaments, I was not particularly close with many debators. In the end though, I had a fun year of debating, even though I did not go to any tournaments.
After the debate love-in, I went back to the office to meet up with Sajad and company to go to the Ale house. There, I found out that Dave and Weiwei, and Leo and Thang were both couples. As the program draws to a close, the potential negative consequences diminish hugely. Dating within the program is no longer a big risk, but an increasingly attractive option for many. I had fun driking there, but it was not a particularly noteworthy night.
最近我都没有很努力的学习. 因为我知道已经有工作所以我不够怕考试成绩不好. 今后我最少要读书和运动. 要花少一点的时间在网络上.
我很开心有机会去温哥华. 我想我的家人朋友们和那边的风景. 这里没有好走路的地方而且天气还过不了零度. 我才Ottawa也没有温哥华哪么好。还好我找的是政府的工作,还会有很多机会放假去旅游。
It is currently Passover. For the seder, I got myself invited to Josh's house. Josh is my classmate and his father, Dr Lewis, is a professor in the department, who I happended to TA for last semester. Dr Lewis lead the seder and it was all very similar to how we do it at home. One big difference I noticed was that once we started eating, the conversation mostly focused around sports. I tried to keep up, using my now dated baseball knowledge from when the Jays were winning, but I was clearly out of my depth. I guess I should pay more attention to sports, if only to be comfortable in a wider range of social situations. After the seder was over, we moved to the living room to watch the final game of the NCAA championship, which was pretty good.
On tuesday the derivatives professor invited the class out to the grad club for drinks. He is Chinese so I used the opportunity to try to impress him with my Chinese skills. Of course he was surprised but I don't know if it will make much difference in the end. Although I am happy to have been exposed to this stuff, knowing what I know now, I can't imagnine ever wanting to work as a "quant" in the financial industry. Talking with the prof was really fun. He is a smart guy, I would love to drink bai jiu with him some day.
Wednesday was the panel data presentation. I had prepared my slides on an open office clone of power point so when I tried to get them to work on the Microsoft real thing there were some problems. First, they did not work at all. Then I went back to the office to put the presentation on to a memory key, only to realise that the office computers do not read memory keys. Without other options, I emailed the presentation again and returned to the computer lab. This time, about half of the presentation worked, and after playing with it for a while, Casey got the whole thing to work. I think my presentation was somewhat weak on methodology, and maybe I could have included more slides on the lit review, but I was happy that I had some (preliminary) results to show.
Thursday was the last day of class and it was a big day. After macro, we all went to the grad club for drinks with profs. There, I got to talk to Casey, the panel data prof for a while about cartoons and other non-econ related stuff. After the grad club, I went to the debate closing of the house. Closing of the house is a whole event over several hours where the debate club elite honour eachother with the making of speeches and giving of awards. At times, it was moving, but at times I felt a bit bored. One thing it made me realise was that although I liked many of these people, because I did not go to any tournaments, I was not particularly close with many debators. In the end though, I had a fun year of debating, even though I did not go to any tournaments.
After the debate love-in, I went back to the office to meet up with Sajad and company to go to the Ale house. There, I found out that Dave and Weiwei, and Leo and Thang were both couples. As the program draws to a close, the potential negative consequences diminish hugely. Dating within the program is no longer a big risk, but an increasingly attractive option for many. I had fun driking there, but it was not a particularly noteworthy night.
最近我都没有很努力的学习. 因为我知道已经有工作所以我不够怕考试成绩不好. 今后我最少要读书和运动. 要花少一点的时间在网络上.
我很开心有机会去温哥华. 我想我的家人朋友们和那边的风景. 这里没有好走路的地方而且天气还过不了零度. 我才Ottawa也没有温哥华哪么好。还好我找的是政府的工作,还会有很多机会放假去旅游。
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